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How to Keep Your Message Positive


How to Keep Your Message Positive

June 15, 2020 I Positive Message

Defiance of racism has flared around the world, with the United States being the epicenter. The call for real change and equality is louder than ever. Now is the time to show solidarity for social justice whether it be via protesting, posting on social media or giving financially. It is important for people to see the sincerity of your actions and statements through a positive manner.

1. Stay true to who you are.

There is already a perception of how you present yourself so people already have a good idea of who you are. Your anti-racism message should reflect that familiar sincere voice and mission, both in language and imaging. Ask yourself how you can best communicate what people know about you and your ethics so it has a consistent voice that’s truly heard.

2. Set goals to be held accountable.

It’s a given in any anti-racism message or post on social media that you are going to say you support diversity and people who are fighting for their rights. So instead of just stating the obvious, paint a picture of how you as an individual leader–are going to act. What can you create or do? What kind of future do you intend to make for the public, and what’s going to enable you to bring that vision to reality? If you give a clear, specific picture about what direction you want and the resources you have or need, then it’s much easier for others to see that you can be held accountable if you don’t follow through. The presence of accountability is good for longevity.

3. Avoid bad energy.

People naturally want to see others on social media who are like them, as it helps them feel safe and normal. So there is great value in showing a common ground.  Avoid negative comments or highlighting bad activity. Good energy will always be the best energy. Be transparent about the current situation by saying where you’d like to be, and let everyone at every level communicate that shared vision in a collective, unified way regardless of their demographic.

.4. Think before you react.

As events unfold, you might feel increasing pressure to act on what you feel. But consistency is key. By holding back and collecting your thoughts, you’ll have a better sense of whether your communication really is resonating the way you want it to. You don’t want to post or get into altercations that could detract from your message.

5. Maintain your goal.

All too often, we lose steam and eventually the cultural “moment” passes. So we have to bring the message of equality forward in a consistent way. Keep working towards your goals, whether it be by donating, volunteering at the polls or protesting. Post your small victories. Make sure you convey by way of your actions how serious you are, and that you’re going to be fighting for the long haul.

Racism has created incredibly deep systemic issues. But it’s not something you have to accept, and real change can happen as more and more people collectively speak out. Be brave enough to do the hard work and use these tips to create a truly unique anti-racism message.

Juan Chavez


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