Celebrating 20 Years of Empowering a Generation of Attorneys Who Work at Corporations, Law Firms, and Governmental Agencies

Over 5,000 In-House Women Attorneys of Color in the United States, as well as Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America

Corporate Counsel Women of Color In Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council Since 2023


Relationships With Immediate Supervisors

by | Mar 22, 2019 | Uncategorized

–81.0% of web survey respondents agreed with the statement “I have a
good relationship with my supervisor.”

–69.9% of web survey respondents agreed with the statement “I have
actually articulated my career goals to my immediate supervisor.”

–61.5% of web survey respondents agreed with the statement “My
supervisor supports my career growth.”

Question: Have you had the conversation with your immediate supervisor
about your career goals, objectives and next steps within the law firm,
legal department and/or corporation?

If not, please answer the following questions:

–Do you know what you want?

–Have you set goals?

–Where do you want to be in 3, 5, 10, 15 years from now?

–What steps will you take to get there?

Over the next 2 months, take the CCWC CAREER STRATEGIES CHALLENGE

*Develop a career plan.
*Read the CCWC Listserv (job postings) to ascertain the “hot” skills
that you need.
*Fine-tune your career objectives with your personal board of directors,
headhunter, executive coach, and/or mentor(s).
*Set up a meeting with your supervisor and articulate your career goals.
*Collaborate with your supervisor on your career goals.
*Continue the dialogue.
*Keep working and striving to get to where you want to go in your career.

To order “Perspectives of Women of Color in Corporate Legal
Departments,” go to: www.ccwomenofcolor.org.

This topic and more will be explored in detail at the October Beverly
Hills Conference.


Contact Us

Corporate Counsel Women of Color
Radio City Station
P.O. Box 2095
New York, NY 10101-2095
