Answer: To be eligible, you must meet each of the three requirements: (1) Possess a Juris Doctorate Degree and engage in the practice of law; (2) Work at a Fortune 1000 company (www.fortune.com), Forbes 2000 company (www.forbes.com), or not-for-profit corporation; and (3) Have a strong interest and willingness to network and develop relationships with in-house women attorneys of color around the globe.
Answer: Currently, Corporate Counsel Women of Color’s membership is limited to in-house corporate counsel. The organization welcomes the participation of its law firm friends in its events and in the sharing of news and information. To be added to the list serv, please email: info@ccwomenofcolor.org.
Answer: To join, go to the Corporate Counsel Women of Color’s website at: www.ccwomenofcolor.org. Click the Membership. Then click To Join.
Answer: There is no fee to join Corporate Counsel Women of Color
Jobs Postings
Answer: To post a job with Corporate Counsel Women of Color, e-mail the job description in WORD format to: ccwomenofcolorjobs@yahoo.com. Please make sure to include contact or web site information where resumes should be sent.
Answer: Corporate Counsel Women of Color posts new job postings weekly (typically every Sunday.)
Answer: Job postings should be submitted to Corporate Counsel Women of Color every Friday by close of business.
Answer: The list serv is distributed to over 6,000 diverse lawyers in the United States and abroad.
Answer: Corporate Counsel Women of Color provides FREE job postings to Fortune 1000 and Forbes 2000 corporations and sponsors. [Corporate Counsel Women of Color will provide postings to search firms that are sponsors.] See sponsorship information below.
Answer: Please email your contact information to sponsor@ccwomenofcolor.org. We will mail sponsorship information to you.
Answer: For a list of our current events, visit our website at www.ccwomenofcolor.org. Click the Events link.